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‘Work-Life Balance’ doesn’t exist. Don’t beat yourself up trying to obtain it.

It seems like ‘work-life balance’ liters social media these days. Moms, business women, entrepreneurs-everyone is posting perfect pictures of them balancing multiple roles while giving well thought-out advice. #selfcare has over 18 million tags right now on instagram. ‘Self-care’ too being an important goal for most, alongside ‘work-life balance’. So often, as parents, moms, wives, […]

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Holy Guacamole!

I have a confession to make… I love avocados. On toast, tacos, eggs, even just plain…I have a love affair with avocados. But I recently came across evidence that suggests my love affair with avocados is rightfully so and here’s why: So eating a balanced diet that includes fresh avocado can be an effective strategy […]

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