There is actually quite a bit of tips that I could offer for better eye health but let’s start out with a few for now, to keep it simple. Prevention is key! Stay happy & healthy! Dr. Jennifer Wademan […]
3 tips for better eye health.

There is actually quite a bit of tips that I could offer for better eye health but let’s start out with a few for now, to keep it simple. Prevention is key! Stay happy & healthy! Dr. Jennifer Wademan […]
Being more mindful about what we eat can be vital to prevent disease, especially eye disease. Eggs, more specifically egg yolks are packed with a lot of good stuff that can help maintain proper eye health. I love eggs because they are a great source of protein, helping me to sustain energy, keeping me full […]
It seems like ‘work-life balance’ liters social media these days. Moms, business women, entrepreneurs-everyone is posting perfect pictures of them balancing multiple roles while giving well thought-out advice. #selfcare has over 18 million tags right now on instagram. ‘Self-care’ too being an important goal for most, alongside ‘work-life balance’. So often, as parents, moms, wives, […]
Quality time is my love language. Authentic, one-on-one time with those that I love is something that fills me up. It often gives me a great sense of connection, especially with my husband and kids. My husband and I have worked on ways to spend quality time together when the commodity of time is limited. […]
Some of my most common questions from patients are about these 3 things: I could spend quite a bit of time discussing all three above. Dry Eye alone is a lengthy topic at best. Being that 4.88 million Americans over the age 50 suffer from Dry Eye, its a chronic condition that encompasses an enormous […]
An estimated Four million children, under the age of 18 years old wear contact lenses in the united states. In a recent study of children 8-11 years old, 90% of those children had no problem applying or removing contacts without the assistance of a parent. 51% optometrists agree that contact lenses are appropriate to introduce […]
I have a confession to make… I love avocados. On toast, tacos, eggs, even just plain…I have a love affair with avocados. But I recently came across evidence that suggests my love affair with avocados is rightfully so and here’s why: So eating a balanced diet that includes fresh avocado can be an effective strategy […]
You may have discovered that you have found yourself on a rollercoaster ride as you have ventured into practice ownership. Everything up to this point has probably seemed just as difficult but you had a goal in mind and now, your living that goal: owning your own practice. For the intent of this post, my […]
This isn’t rocket science nor some well-thought out piece of wisedom. In fact, you will probably read this post and be like, “duh”. We all have those moments thru-out the day, where our thoughts take off and dive deep into the abyss of worry. Maybe that’s not you and if that’s the case, I commend […]
Im a big proponent of how the foods we eat can help or hurt us. Its no surprise that a key to prevention to to eat a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. Eye health and nutrition is no exception and go and eye hand-in-hand. Case in point: apples and eye health. Apples […]