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Worry less. Podcast more.

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This isn’t rocket science nor some well-thought out piece of wisedom. In fact, you will probably read this post and be like, “duh”.

We all have those moments thru-out the day, where our thoughts take off and dive deep into the abyss of worry. Maybe that’s not you and if that’s the case, I commend you. Please tell me your secret!


The moment during the day where I most find my thoughts turning into worry is my drive home from work. My solution to stop the onslaught of worries: a podcast.

Yes, it’s that simple, for me. A simple distraction where my mind is catapulted from the worries of the day to listening, intrigued by conversation, distracted by knowledge.

I’ve taken this habit of listening to podcasts from my husband. He is a chronic listener. He is also one of the smartest and well-rounded people I know (don’t tell him that because it might go to his head).

But in all seriousness, there is a million different podcasts available out there; you can learn about anything, be introduced to new concepts and ways of thought. You can dive into content that is funny and laugh-out-loud or content that tugs at your heart and brings tears.

i use to get home to my family seeming uptight and burdened by the attack of worries that I spent the last 30 minutes stewing on. However, something magical happens when I put on a podcast: I arrive home happy. The worries of the day have been far enough removed for the last 30 minutes and my mind has been focussed on everything else but worry. I’m more present for my husband and kids.

Now, I realize that we are all plagued by worry of different type and at different times. And in no means is this post to make less the burden of anxiety, depression or deeper battles. Therapy presents itself in different ways for different people and I guess this has been a simple but effective way of therapy for me.

Anyone else love podcasts? Comment below with your favorites!

Stay Happy and Healthy!

Dr. Jennifer Wademan


Written by Dr. Jen Wademan

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