It seems like ‘work-life balance’ liters social media these days. Moms, business women, entrepreneurs-everyone is posting perfect pictures of them balancing multiple roles while giving well thought-out advice. #selfcare has over 18 million tags right now on instagram. ‘Self-care’ too being an important goal for most, alongside ‘work-life balance’.
So often, as parents, moms, wives, business owners, friends-whatever it is (you can fill in the blank)-we give of ourselves and have little time left over to feel refreshed, rejuvenated, balanced and not overworked.
The definition of ‘balance’ is the even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. Here is my problem with the ‘work-life balance’ trend. Am I suppose to realistically balance motherhood with the demands of owning a business, fostering my relationship with friends, growing my marriage with my husband, allowing for quality time with my parents? What about when the demands of work are heavier during one season than the other? Or perhaps the times, where family time needs are greater?
It’s inevitable that there will be no balance to be had during either one of these times. Im always striving to obtain that balance however, I never do, and instead I find myself disappointed and discontent. Mom-guilt or work-guilt-some sort of guilt-takes over because I’m unable to achieve that zen-balance that I see everyone else on social media achieve.
Ahem, so heres the deal, drum roll please..I’d like to propose something. Lets shoot for satisfaction and being content instead of balance.
So here’s 3 tips that I find useful, practical and easy to put into place practicing being content and satisfied in life.
- Allow yourself some grace and permission to not do it all. If you’re trying to do it all, you most likely are the envy of your friends, and people in your life. Little do you know, you already have achieved super-woman status.
- Just toss out the idea of work-life balance. It doesn’t exist. For example, some seasons work will be all encompassing and other things will take a back seat. But remembering it’s only temporary and soon the pendulum will shift and you will find home life will take more of a front seat.
- Enjoy the season you’re in (or at least try to find the positives). Anticipating whats to come takes away from the here and now. It can rob you of experiencing the joys-big and small-that are right in front of you.
One thing I must tell you all, is that I like little nuggets of truth, tips, advice, etc. One, I can more easily remember what it is that I’m trying to work on. Second, I need practical application so I can adopt into my routine. Hopefully, this post is just that.
Aiming for satisfaction and being content means identifying our own pockets of time to take care of ourselves ( here comes that word, #selfcare! ). Taking the time to care for ourselves is essential to be a better mom, wife, friend, employee, and employer. But it takes work, carving out time and making it a routine. Maybe it’s a day off or those fringe hours before work or even after the kids go to bed but give yourself permission to read a book, exercise or whatever satisfies your soul.
Stay happy & healthy!
Dr. Jennifer Wademan, O.D.