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Summer days and Sunglasses for kids!

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If you live in an area where summer is quickly approaching with warmer days and bright sunny skies, chances are the decision to spend more time outside is an easy one.  Sunnier skies coupled with COVID shelter in place, has most of us flocking to outdoor activities to break up the time indoors and encourage physical activity for our kids.

Like most moms, I’m slathering sunscreen on my kid’s faces, arms and legs but also trying to create a habit of wearing sunglasses while outside. 


The biggest reason being that kids generally receive three times the annual sun exposure as adults. Kids spend so much more time outside whether it be at school, bike riding, playground activities, swimming or with sports.

Chances are that reminding your kid to put on sunglasses is about as common as your child taking out the trash.  Only five percent of Americans report that their children wear sunglasses consistently.  

Having your child wear sunglasses doesn’t have to be a battle. My best piece of advice is to start early.  Starting while your child is young, helps to create the habit of putting on sunglasses every time you go outside.  Consistency helps solidify the importance of sun protection. 

Allow your child to have a say in what sunglasses he or she wants to wear.  When a child gets to play a major part in the picking-of-sunglasses-decision, they are more likely and excited to wear them.

Does your child wear already wear glasses?  Sometimes the switching back and forth between sunglasses and glasses seem like a daunting expectation to ask of parents.  Photochromic lenses are a great option for kids (and parents) and eliminate the need for two pairs.  One pair of glasses but with multiple functions: clear, blue-light filtering lenses provide protection indoors and dark, UV lenses provide protection outdoors.


Lastly, the best way to create good habits for your kids, is to model them yourself.  When my kids and I go for scooter runs and bike rides, I make sure to grab all of our sunglasses.  We have a special spot by our door where we stash our collection of sunwear.  Mommies and daddy’s sunglasses have a spot right next to my kiddos sunglasses too. 

You don’t have to spend a ton of money on sunglasses either.  Most always, there are affordable options at your optometrist’s office that offer a range of colors styles, and sizes.  Brands like Rayban and Oakely offer mini-versions of some of their most popular adult styles.  GlamBaby, an online sunglass company for kids, created by an optometrist, offer stylish and adorable sunglasses for the littlest of kids.  

Regardless of the name brand or boutique style of sunglasses your child choses, make sure they are labeled as 100% UVA and UVB protection.  Not all sunglasses, let alone children styles, have the appropriate UV protection.  The Vision Council reminds parents that party favors or holiday-themed shades are not always UV-protective and can have defects in the lens or frames that make them uncomfortable.  When in doubt, your optometrist can often check the percentage of UV protection by a special piece of equipment in their office. 

So as the sun starts to get a little brighter out, and the days get a bit longer, make sure you are protecting your child’s eyes by and creating healthy habits along the way with a pair of sunnies.

Stay Happy and Healthy!

Dr. Jen Wademan


Written by Dr. Jen Wademan

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