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July is UV Safety Awareness Month

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We have a lot of different screening tests that a patient goes through before they even see me for their comprehensive eye exam. These tests screen for a variety of eye conditions, like glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and even cancers. I often try to give a brief explanation to the patient sitting in front of me, discussing what all those tests screen for. They only take a combined total time of 5-7 minutes, however, they give me so much information when I’m interpreting the results and examining a patient’s eyes. When I get to the part explaining how one of these tests can detect certain cancers of the eye, most patients are shocked. To which the patient usually asks, “Cancer in the eye? That can happen?”. Yep, it sure can and when it does, it often doesn’t bring a good prognosis.

This month is a great month to bring awareness to cancers of the eye and orbit by promoting good habits when outside in the sun. UV protection is important to prevent, not only against the threats of sun damage like aging spots, and wrinkles, but also risks that can cause vision problems, lead to cancers and even death.

The American Cancer Society’s estimate for eye cancer in the U.S. for 2020 is 3,400 new cases (mainly melanomas) of the eye and orbit and 390 deaths from cancers of the eye and orbit. It is interesting to note that most cancers of the eye and orbit are melanomas but this cancer starts more often, in other parts of the body.

Protection is key to reducing risk associated with UV damage and sunscreen is that first step. In general the FDA recommends choosing a broad spectrum sunscreen with a value of 15 or higher. While most everyone knows to apply liberally to face and neck, it’s the ears, back of neck and top of head (if you don’t have much hair) that often get forgotten. Mineral sunscreen does not absorb into the skin (unlike chemical sunscreen) and reflects UVA and UVB rays. Most chemical sunscreens act as a filter, filtering out UV rays so it’s important to limit exposure by other means.  Sunscreen is not the only line of defense against sun damage but certainly is an important one.  Protective clothing and hats help protect large areas of skin plus those delicate areas of the nose, eyes, forehead, and back of neck.  Sunglasses offer protection for the eyes-inside and out!  Not only do sunglasses safeguard against premature cataracts, but also they protect the important structures in the back of they eye, involved in central vision. Outside of the eye, sunglasses shield the delicate skin around the eye, which can be more prone to sun damage. 


So in honor of UV Safety Awareness month,  it’s a good time to remember why sun protection is so very important, not just this month, but every month of the year.  I am fortunate to live in a beautiful area where outdoor activities are encouraged and fresh air plus vitamin D are plentiful, so protecting myself and reminding my husband and kids to as well, is one of my number one priorities.

Stay Happy and Healthy….and keep those eyes and skin protected!

Dr. Jen Wademan


Written by Dr. Jen Wademan

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