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Egg-cited about eggs and eye health!

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Being more mindful about what we eat can be vital to prevent disease, especially eye disease. Eggs, more specifically egg yolks are packed with a lot of good stuff that can help maintain proper eye health.

I love eggs because they are a great source of protein, helping me to sustain energy, keeping me full longer (because Im always hungry) and they just taste good any way you cook them…hard-boiled, fried, over-easy, scrambled etc.

When it comes to eye health, eggs contain some eye-centric antioxidants like lutein, zeaxanthin, Vitamin-A and zinc. Here is how they contribute to eye health:

  1. Lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin are called carotenoids. They are also found in green leafy vegetables. Carotenoids have a protective effect on the macula, helping to fight against macular degeneration.
  2. Vitamin-A. Vitamin-A is shown to help safeguard the cornea; without Vitamin-A , your eyes cannot produce enough moisture to keep them properly lubricated. Vitamin-A also contributes to the health of the retina, enabling you to see good at night. Deficiencies can cause night blindness.
  3. Zinc. Zinc works as something called a “helper molecule”. It works with Vitamin-A, thus a deficiency in zinc has been linked to poor night vision, and cataracts. People who have a high risk of macular degeneration may benefit from an increased intake of zinc.

Other benefits of eggs? Weight management, brain development, lasting energy and eggs are a nutrient dense food. The great thing about eggs is that they are versatile and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Need some ideas on how to add eggs into your diet? Check out these recipes and ideas on how to add eggs to your meals throughout the day.

Stay happy & healthy!

Dr. Jennifer Wademan


Written by Dr. Jen Wademan

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