Your thoughts can make a sturdy home in your mind.
Whether you realize it or not, you’re thoughts take up a lot of space within your mind. And when those thoughts hinge around worry, despair, anger or apathy, you slowly start to alter the lens you look thru to navigate life. When you allow your worst thoughts to take root, they grow like weeds and suffocate the good.

Pessimism is immobile.
Pessimism won’t get you out of bed. Pessimism won’t get the kids ready, or do the laundry, make the bed or help make any deadlines in life or at work. Pessimism in the form of worry or fear, robs you of taking actionable steps now. It also robs you of strength now. And here is the thing that I remind myself of often, it doesn’t lessen worry for tomorrow. Binging on thoughts of worry, or fear doesn’t empty that cup, so you have less to think about; it is a never-ending. There are just as many pessimistic thoughts waiting, if you let them in.
Optimism is not at odds with wisdom.
This one I’ve never thought of before until I read an article by Maggie Smith, Optimism is the more helpful Emotion. She describes hope as an uncool, earnest and nervous, naive thought, yet realizes that hope accomplishes more because the hopeful person will try. She states, “one hopeful person will accomplish more than a hundred cynics”.
Optimism feeds yourself and others, pessimism poisons.
Just as what types of food we put in our bodies affects how we feel, by energizing us and nourishing us-what we think and fill our minds with can energize us and nourish us too. But also important, those around us like our spouse, kids, friends and family-are effected. Does pessimism really help you or your kids? How can you feed your spirit and that of your kids or spouse with negative thoughts? Shedding the thoughts of worry, fear, despair is truly a gift that you can give yourself and others around you and not poison the present with defeatist thinking.
Are you a glass half-full or half-empty type of person? I’ve always been a glass half-full and lean towards optimism. I’ve had seasons where the heaviness of life’s circumstances have weighed me down. I’ve experienced how the stress, mostly worry in my case, had easily percolated to so many areas of my life to where my thinking shifted to glass-half empty. When it started to seep into my response and posture towards my kids, it was a warning sign to make an effort back to hope.

And there is change when effort is put forth. And unfortunately, that change is often not immediate. The amazing thing is how elastic and flexible our brains are-we are not permanently wired one way towards pessimism or optimism but its an exercise toward one or the other, training our brain to navigate this world thru a lens we can shape and mold. It takes effort, more and less in different seasons of like. But we are capable. A posture towards optimism takes the lead and helps us try.
Now, I know the realm of depression is far more intricate and convoluted and not to be boiled down to, “just think positive thoughts”. So in no way do I minimize the struggle of those battling depression. However, for those struggling with this season of life and what outside circumstances (like the state of our world)-making the effort towards a hopeful perspective is worthwhile for yourself and those around you. Lean in and embrace. It is worth a try.
Stay Happy and Healthy!